OOConcepts - FAQ
OOConcepts - FAQ
When will the results be out?
Some are out! See the Results page. More should be out in September.
Can I be informed when the results are out
Yes. Just drop us a note at survey-at-sefolklore.com and we'll add you to our list. (This list will only be used to send information about the results of this survey.)
What's taking so long with the results?
Unfortunately we can only work on this project part-time. As academics we have other obligations that take priority (particularly teaching). In some ways we're victims of our success - had we not got such a great response we probably could have done the necessary analysis fairly quickly, but because we have had so many responses we need more time. We also want to make sure we do a good job of the analysis and presentation. We expect to have time to work on this around the middle of the year (corresponding to Tony's summer break and Ewan's mid-year break).
You said you wanted 2000 responses, now it's nearly 4000, what's the deal?
When we started this we thought we were being wildly optimistic to expect 2000, but when we got such a great response we decided to let it run for a bit longer (especially as we knew we wouldn't have time to analyse the results until mid-year).
Will you be doing more survey's like this?
We hope so! If you would like to be informed about future survey's, let us know at survey-at-sefolklore.com.
I think your survey is flawed in some way
Any empirical study has limitations as to what conclusions can be drawn from its results. The trick is to design the study to increase the usefulness of the results with respect to the research questions and to be very careful about interpreting the results. In the end, a study can only be judged by how well it supports the conclusions that are drawn from it. Even a study in which mistakes were made may still produce data that supports some conclusions.
No, really, your study is fundamentally broken & you can't draw any useful conclusions from it
Really you need to see what what conclusions we come to. It could be that what you think we're looking for isn't really what we're looking for (we've been deliberately vague in places to reduce the bias of your answers — or so we think!).
And of course it could be you're right, but we hope not! We'll only really find out once we've completed the analysis.